IPO Roadshow Video

An Initial Public Offering (“IPO”) is one of the most important events in a company’s lifecycle. Having a professionally produced and effective roadshow video can be instrumental to the success of the offering. 

Whether its a short form documentary style 3-5 min “primer” video used to open management’s presentation to investors and analysts or a long form, often referred to as the “30 min” roadshow video, which is essentially a pre-recorded fully produced dynamic version of management’s live presentation, an IPO video allows companies to enhance their “pitch” and visually present the company’s story in a way that captivates the audience, showcasing investment highlights that typically cannot be conveyed with the PPT alone. 

Being able to see things like the quality of products and services, or a unique company culture or ESG initiative, will create a more compelling and lasting first impression. It also allows companies to feature individuals not normally included on the roadshow, or hear from customers or clients via testimonials. 

Who you choose to produce your IPO video is equally as important. Producing for an IPO is unlike any traditional video production. This audience is Wall Street and at 3Jaze we understand this audience and how to craft the narrative in terms they understand and within the boundaries of SEC compliance.

Video Annual Report

The Video Annual Report is very similar to the short form IPO video concept except the story narrative is focused more around “year end review” and key results. This innovative concept brings the annual shareholder communications to life and replaces the standard glossy 10-K wrap. 

Unlike a printed annual report which is barely looked at and quickly discarded, the video annual report engages a connected audience making the message and brand more relevant and memorable. Broad distribution via the Investor Relations site, press releases, social media, etc, allows companies to cast a wide net, reaching a larger audience of key stakeholders, the media and potential future investors.

Depending on the level of sophistication of a glossy 10k wrap, oftentimes the video will be more cost effective, especially when factoring in the savings on mailing costs, not to mention it’s a great ESG initiative, eliminating paper waste and saving trees!

Analyst & Investor Days | Conferences | Non-Deal Meetings

Management teams from private and public companies spend hundreds of hours a year presenting. This could be at a company sponsored event such as an analyst or investor day or at a third party conference. Showing up with a power point presentation alone won’t cut it in today's digital and tech savvy world. Incorporating video content into the presentation makes it a more compelling and engaging way to communicate a company’s vision, strategy and unique personality. 

3Jaze not only offers the collateral video content production but we also have the technology and expertise to offer single and multi-camera live streaming of any event to any platform (Zoom, Teams, etc) allowing for a much larger audience and participation rate.

Financial Media

Using any of our video concepts as a tool to prep and educate a media outlet before a high profile event or prior to an executive on-air appearance is one of the many great ways to repurpose the video. 

Beyond that, we also offer fully edited B-Roll packages, which allow the company to control what supporting visuals the media is using to represent their brand. These packages are broadcast quality, organized by subject matter and delivered digitally to any media outlet globally.